Journey of grit and determination : The Success Story of Noor Ahmed

Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.

The road to success doesn’t lie by pulling down others but by increasing your value. These lines are quite suitable for Mr. Noor Ahmed an entrepreneur who chased his dreams. Mr. Noor started his career journey from class X onwards where he  started doing many different things but couldn’t find success in any of them.


When you fail repeatedly, it feels terrible, but when you succeed, you realize that your failures have led you to this point of success.

– Noor Ahmed

Career Journey

 In 2013, Noor began his career as a typist and later started proofreading the content. In late 2015, he went to Dubai to search for opportunities. On his first day, he received a job offer as an accountant, but his dream to work in the IT industry led him to refuse the job offer. and he returned to India as a failure. He once again got a fresher position as a web designer in the same company where he had worked as a proofreader.


He had no knowledge of programming but he started learning through practical experience and his hard work and determination helped  to become the head (HOD) of web design in his company within a span of a short time.


This was not his destiny, his values, grit, honesty, dedication, zeal and zest enabled him to learn new things and take new risks in his life.


How the company started?

In 2021, Noor realized that it was time to start his own company. He made the decision to quit the job during the second wave of COVID, which his family was not happy about. The global economic situation was challenging due to the pandemic, and starting a business at that time seemed difficult. There was one person in his life who didn’t want to give up on him, his father who supported and showed immense confidence in him he said,


If you have faith in yourself, you can achieve anything.

With this support, Noor’s confidence soared, and he burnt all his boats.


Noor with his father

Initially, after starting the company  he didn’t earn as much as his previous salary. He received job offers with good packages too, but Noor wanted to build something of his own. For a year, he struggled alone in his company without any employees. In the second year, his childhood friend joined him, and they continued to work together to create a success story.


“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” The story of Mr. Noor Ahmed  from being an average man to a successful business owner of Absne Private Limited. The dream of Mr. Noor to build up an IT software company from scratch led to the turnover of Lakhs.


Company Detail

Noor’s company, “Absne Private Limited,” specializes in website and mobile application development. Noor mentioned,


They currently work with limited technologies, but whatever they do, they are masters at it.

He  shared that 90% of the customers are repeat clients. The company currently has six employees, freshers who were gradually trained by him. Nothing comes easy but when we believe ‘We can’ one can achieve.


Without a single day leave, keeping his commitment and clients at utmost priority within two years he achieved the ladder of success and his untiring and vigorous efforts led him to phenomenal growth of his company with clients from across the globe.


Company website:


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