The Inspiring Journey of Poorva Shrivastava

Breaking Barriers in EdTech​ From her early days as a school teacher to founding one of the fastest-growing EdTech platforms, Poorva Shrivastava’s journey is a testament to her passion for education and her belief in the transformative power of technology.​


Here’s a glimpse of her story

Poorva Shrivastava began her career in a small-town classroom, where she witnessed firsthand the gaps in modern education. Recognizing the potential of technology to fill these gaps, she embarked on a mission to make quality education accessible to all. iLearnings was born out of this vision and has since impacted the lives of thousands of learners worldwide.​


Poorva Shrivastava always knew the value of money. As a young woman from a modest background, every penny counted. Her journey from financing her studies to managing the finances of her own firm is inspiring.


Early Life and Struggles

Born in a small town, Poorva grew up in a close-knit community where everyone knew each other’s business. Her parents worked hard but often found it challenging to make ends meet. College seemed like a distant dream, an unattainable luxury. However, Poorva’s determination was unyielding. She took on multiple part-time jobs during high school, saving every dime for her college fund. Simultaneously, she maintained an exemplary academic record, hoping scholarships could bridge the financial gaps.


College and The Turning Point

Upon high school graduation, Poorva secured partial scholarships to a reputable state university. Still, it wasn’t enough. To make ends meet, she continued working – taking home tuition’s during the day and night. Sleep was a luxury. There were days when she’d choose between a meal or saving for next semester’s books.


From Dorm Room to Board Room

After graduation, while many of her peers sought traditional employment, Poorva took a leap of faith. She used her meager savings, combined with a small loan, started working in MNC in a new city staying away from her parents.
There were numerous challenges. Poorva grappled with understanding the nuances of IT operations. But her earlier financial struggles had taught her frugality and resourcefulness.


Scaling Heights

Through sheer grit, determination, and smart financial decisions, she began to follow her passion after spending a decade in IT with numerous job profiles. Its unique value proposition combined with Poorva’s personal story resonated with students, leading to organic growth of her firm- iLearnings.


Fast forward to today, ‘iLearnings’ boasts a presence in multiple countries and has diversified into various educational programs. Its financial health is a testament to Poorva’s prudent management and strategic investments.



Poorva’s story is a beacon of hope for many aspiring entrepreneurs. It’s a testament to what one can achieve with determination, resilience, and a keen understanding of finance. From counting pennies to strategize investments, her journey is truly an inspiration.


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