Utkarsh Khandelwal | Infloso | – The future in AI driven marketing & creator economy

The creator economy and AI economy have been booming and growing at unprecendented pace. Every brand wants to wagon their products and services on creator’s wide influence amongst their audiences.


If you are not creating content today around your brand, you will become irrelevant. Everybody either consume or create content.

says Utkarsh Khandelwal – CEO at Infloso.

Infloso has been a company that has been working on the creator revolution to help brands leverage this force.


What is Infloso? Infloso is a human-in-the-loop AI marketing platform that helps brands induce virality on social media using the power of content creators & AI. Using the platform, a brand can market their product on over 12+ social media platform without any fixed budgets or limitations, get higher ROI & ROAS than FaceBook or Google Ads, all in a single click. Having 1.5 million creators on their platform, more than 2100 brands and 800 agencies leverage Infloso’s AI powered tool to reach their goals independently.


Fueling the Future of Influencer Marketing Beyond $21.1 Billion in 2023

By the looks of online data, influencer marketing is not going anywhere. Our own benchmark report found that in the past six years, the industry had more than tripled from $4.6 billion in 2016 to exceed the $16 billion mark in 2022, and we are expecting further growth to $21.1 billion in 2023.Social influencers have become powerful catalysts in shaping consumer behaviour and driving brand awareness.


A social media boom has led to the proliferation of influencer marketing. Making best use of the medium has now become a brand imperative.Infloso aims on becoming the third avenue for brands to spend money on for marketing besides Facebook & Google Ads. While, for creators, Infloso is on its way to become the gold standard for everything content.


Company website: infloso.com


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