From passion to purpose: The birthing of OT Corps Foundation

My name is Christian Tamunotonye Caroline, I am a guidance counsellor, creative writer and educapreneur. I hold a degree in Educational, Psychology, Guidance and Counseling from the prestigious, Ignatius Ajuru University of education, port Harcourt, rivers state.


I hail from Kalabari, a community in Rivers State, Nigeria and I am the first of 5 girls.


I want to share with you the transcending aspects of my life that led me to start OT Corps Foundation, an organization that focuses on raising awareness about the importance of counseling in Nigeria. My journey has been filled with struggles, but with the support of God and the discovery of my passion, I am now able to help others find their purpose and live life to the fullest.


 A Lack of Guidance

Growing up in a loving family, I always felt supported and cared for. However, when it came time to choose a career path in university, I realized I didn’t have the guidance I needed. This lack of direction left me feeling lost and uncertain about my future. As a result, I failed the admission process multiple times, which had a profound impact on my self-esteem, causing anxiety and eventually leading me into depression.


Finding My Passion

Fortunately, along this difficult journey, God intervened and helped me discover my passion for guidance and counseling. Recognizing that many young individuals go through life without proper direction and guidance in choosing a fulfilling career, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I enrolled in a university in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, to study guidance and counseling.


The Birth of OT Corps Foundation

Through my studies and personal experiences, I realized the importance of counseling for individuals seeking a purposeful life. Motivated by my own struggles, I founded OT Corps Foundation to raise awareness about the significance of counseling, encourage people to seek counseling, and provide counseling services across various aspects of life.


The Importance of Counseling

At OT Corps Foundation, we emphasize the importance of counseling in helping individuals navigate their personal and professional lives. By seeking guidance and support, individuals can identify their strengths, explore their interests, and make informed decisions about their careers and life goals. We believe that counseling is a vital tool for personal growth and self-discovery.


Encouraging Others

One of the main objectives of OT Corps Foundation is to encourage individuals to seek counseling. We understand that there is still a stigma surrounding mental health issues and counseling in Nigeria. Through our awareness campaigns and outreach programs, we aim to break down these barriers and create a safe space for people to seek the help they need.


Tamunotonye Caroline Christian

Providing Counseling Services

In addition to raising awareness and promoting the importance of counseling, OT Corps Foundation also provides counseling services that cover various facets of life. We offer career counseling, relationship counseling, mental health counseling, and more. Our dedicated team of trained professionals is committed to supporting individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and personal growth.


A Fulfilling Journey

As the founder of OT Corps Foundation, I am delighted to be able to help people find their purpose and live life to the fullest. Seeing individuals overcome their struggles, gain confidence, and make informed decisions about their lives brings me immeasurable joy. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact and contribute to the well-being of others.


The birthing of OT Corps Foundation

Live a life of continuous impact

My personal experiences, combined with my passion for counseling, led me to start OT Corps Foundation. Through this organization, I strive to raise awareness about the importance of counseling, encourage individuals to seek counseling, and provide comprehensive counseling services. It is truly fulfilling to witness the transformation and growth of individuals as they find their purpose and live life to the fullest. Let us all support one another on this journey towards self-discovery and personal fulfilment, let us continually live our lives to impacting others.


Finding My Passion

Fortunately, along this difficult journey, God intervened and helped me discover my passion for guidance and counseling. Recognizing that many young individuals go through life without proper direction and guidance in choosing a fulfilling career, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I enrolled in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, a university in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, to study guidance and counselling…


  • Career Counsellor
  • Creative Writing Coach
  • I help individuals(children and adults)
  • live and function in careers of their passion
  • Student Counselors Coach


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