Vikas Upadhyay – Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Content Creator, Public Speaker and Mentor

“ Only the carbon that is put under extreme heat and pressure turns into diamonds. If you or I don’t leave our comfort zones, we’ll never become who we deserve to be.”


– Vikas Upadhyay

A lot of people work hard.
A lot of people struggle in their lives to succeed.
A lot of people are honest in their efforts.


But not everyone succeeds? Do you know why?
Because I believe we miss one very important factor – God’s grace. We succeed with God’s help.


Most people call it luck. I think luck is just an arbitrary factor. The more effort one puts in, their chances of winning get bigger.


And that is what I did with my life. When I was at my worst stage, when I had no other option but to take responsibility for my family, I stepped up. And I owe my success to the situation through which I had to go through at a very tender age.



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