Being Authentic in Consistency

Your fate is entirely in your control. If luck does not work, hard work will.

I was born in Dubai, I was in fifth grade, and I moved to Pakistan with my family. It was difficult to live in various cultures, but as time passed, I learned that what is written in destiny will remain, so I did not lose courage, handled the situation with patience, and finished my education.


After completing the matriculation exam, I started working as a technician, working long days and nights. After two years, I realized that in order to get a job, I needed to first get a degree, then continue my studies after graduation, and then start working as a sales representative in Dubai. Following a result of my exceptional achievements, I was promoted to Marketing Executive. I worked for over three years before returning to Pakistan owing to illness. I then spent nearly two years working as a monitoring officer in a hospital.


I was thinking about starting to write, followed by uploading articles on LinkedIn about motivation, education, life, relationships, and so on. Everyone wants to develop in their careers, therefore I eventually found a renowned company and started my career. I worked hard all the time, and within a year I earned the best alpha player award in sales and was promoted to Team Lead. I also earned the best performance award.


My life philosophical thought is simple. To attract abundance of luck, one has to put forth greater effort.


  • Sales & Marketing
  • B2B Sales
  • B2C Sales
  • Client Acquisitions
  • Pipelining and Segmentation
  • Market Research


LinkedIn: Jasim Dawar


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