A Journey of Belief, Hard Work, and Success: The Inspiring Story of Abdullah Faisal and the INA Group

Mr. Abdullah Faisal; founder & ceo, of INA Establishments, peace ambassador, executive director for international organization for peace (IOP) has dedicated over decades of his life, creating a marvelous journey of belief, hard work, confidence and faith. This, for him is still the underpinning to the dreams he has for india and “INA Group”. As a first generation entrepreneur, he has sailed the boat through rough seas and is now setting ports across the globe.


Current position of Mr. Abdullah Faisal is Ambassador At-Large @ United Nations Alliance Sustainable Development Goals (UNASDG) and a member of World Economic Forum (WEF)


He has an inherent passion for work; this zeal for work has helped him make a mark across diverse industries like gold trading, oil & gas, food & medical supplies, media & entertainment, communications. As a person he’s always at the forefront for societal well-being; he has also bridged the gap between the generous and the needy through his various csr initiative.


Executive chairmen’s message

I believe that my job is as clear as INA Establishments vision – to continually grow our local, regional & international trading portfolio whilst keeping a sharp, entrepreneurial eye on high value development opportunities across the world. We believe in excellence & the continuous creation of value is of central importance to consistently delivering success.
Through hiring high caliber personnel, we have consistently been able to exceed its stated aims & objectives. Our vision & mantra is where we lead, others follow. While every member of our team contributes to our unique expertise & insights, uniting people around an exciting aspirational vision of trading & attracting & developing the best possible talent to implement the business strategy & relentlessly focusing on results in the context of the business strategy. “leading ‘your self” knowing & growing yourself so that you can most effectively lead others & carry out these practices.


Your character is your brand

Our team

“INA Establishments” founded by “Mohammed Abdullah Faisal” relies on a team of highly skilled & multi-disciplined professionals to operate its global investments & trading. We aim to be one of the most visible trading company in the world. To achieve this goal, our investment & trade portfolio must attract & retain many of the leading global brands across industries & mining sector & our performance & delivery must embody the characteristics of quality, attention to detail & generating positive & consistent returns.


A key component of INA Establishments initiative is a new economic strategy that facilitates a more Efficient, profitable & dynamic private sector that will shape & drive a more streamlined business environment across the nation whilst stimulating investment, trading& entrepreneurial activity. We benefit & utilize the experience of over multiple business professionals to pro actively manage the company’s assets.


Setting up the stage

A believer of self learning, Mr. Abdullah Faisal had gathered 7 years of experience in business development, gold trading, oil & gas and food & medical. Gradually, with similar steps he made his way into other industries, to finally established INA Establishments on 23rd January 2014; thus making his mark into business arena. He initiated ina’s backward integration journey by quick learning and smart investments from a single room office in Hyderabad to a successful venture marking its presence across the globe.


Mr. Abdullah Faisal

Growing up

Mr. Abdullah Faisal was born on july 11th 1987 in Hyderabad, to Mr. Abdul Mughni; the owner of the brand Mughni associates. He still believes in the same concept and is always found talking about the advantages of same. He was born in an upper middle class family. As a child he was always a bright student both academically and in extra-curricular as well. In-decisive as every youngster he has explored his knowledge from science, to holding a bachelors of pharmacy from osmania university, Hyderabad.


Toyed by destiny he lost the golden opportunity of marking his career into the pharmaceutical industry, meanwhile he achieved other expertise by gaining a certification in ‘standards of training, certification & watch keeping’, a certified with time he grew to understand the bigger picture and his work stood to define him. He’s a people’s person, and truly believes in working for and with them. A visionary for the society and of the economy, he derives to develop these industry sectors as they are the extended support system to the economy’s development and the future of india. A believer of smart work, he has always stood ahead to supported talent from across various fields.


Beginning of the better future

As the managing director & chairman of INA Group, Mr. Abdullah Faisal started his astounding journey with a vision that “belief is the key to success”. Back in 2014, he started his operations from a small office in masabtank, Hyderabad. His office consisted of a table, two chairs and a staff of one clerk & a runner boy. Starting with lobbying for gold trading, oil & gas industry and further investing the returns into the company; he put his heart and soul within ina. Working without any personal income for about a year he finally set his sails by buying out venture into industries with never dying future.


In a span of just 7 years, Mr. Abdullah has created an empire of fastest growing
Business. Throughout his life, his aim was to create a family and not just a company. The fact that he has always considered his position as that of “The chief guardian” of the ‘INA Group’s family’ he deserves a appreciation beyond words.


In addition to his responsibilities of INA Group of companies, Mr. Abdullah is an active members of:

  • International Organization for Peace (IOP)
  • United House of Monarch
  • INA Establishments
  • Al Nasr Gold Trading
  • CIT Oil & Gas


Company website: unasdg.org

Company website: inaestablishments.com

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