Success Story of GLAP Enterprises

Founded In 2015, by Innocent Havyarimana Domitien a Burundian refugee, living in Kakuma refugee camp since 2013. GLAP enterprises is a Kakuma based soap production and distribution company, based in the refugee camp and serving its environs and the whole country of Kenya also. Having a background education in chemistry back from my home
country and inspired to fill the gap I saw present in the refugee market, the CEO and Founder, Innocent Havyarimana Domitien was trained further in Eldoret, Kenya. The training strengthen the practical knowledge base that now supports my business.


Once completed the training, I received a 1,000KES start-up capital from my friend back home in Burundi and with that I purchased small quantities of chemicals and I produced my first bunch of detergents, making a substantial profit. With the assistance of my trainer in Eldoret and a connection at the Quality Enterprises Chemicals in Nairobi, I was able to source more chemicals making all the transactions through MPESA. Contracts with the supplier were signed in 2017.


As demand grew, I approached AAHI – an organization based in Kakuma – for a 50,000 KES loan that was repaid in 6 months. From then I have expanded the business, added employees, opened new sales location and signed regular supply contracts with schools around Kakuma. Initial production consisted of 3 multipurpose detergents; liquid soap, disinfectant and hand wash.


Since 2018 my company is now producing 16 types of soap and detergents. GLAP enterprises is now one of the biggest supplier of locally produced detergent. Clients include: 6 secondary schools, 11 primary schools, 6 UNHCR agencies; 4 Government institutions, 10 religious institutions, 5 lodges, 6 hotels plus the individuals from host and refugee community.


Founder’s profile

Innocent Havyarimana Domitien is a 39 years old, Burundian living in Kakuma camp from May 2013. I am married with two son. I left my home country in 2013, fleeing persecution from as Burundi was falling into a dark period of instability.


I am committed to long-life learning and community work having completed training in record keeping, customer care, family therapy, SGBV, child protection, introduction to entrepreneurship, trading, business success, employees and employer t work, Community and business development, diploma in business administration with REGIS University, Bachelor’s degree in business administration with Southern New Hampshire University. I am currently undertaking an online Master’s degree with Swansea University.


Community work and training

I have opened a learning centers to share my production experience and teach local and refugees community members in soap and detergents making. The training is for a 3 months learning and practical experience in all those 16 types of soaps and detergents making processes. Learning centers are currently opened in Kakuma town, Kakuma1, kakuma2,
Kakuma3, Kakuma4, Kalobeyei village1, village2 and village3. I am also planning to open a business mentorship/training program in which I will personally train and mentor the business community in the camp and in the host community



Multipurpose liquid soap, disinfectant, stain remover, hand wash, pit digester, jik bleach, jik instant, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, kerol, hand sanitizer, hand rub sanitizer, baby soap, bar soap and powder soap.



Get in touch with Innocent Havyarimana :

LinkedIn : @Innocent Havyarimana

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