Rediscovering Passion: A Remarkable Journey of Restarting a Career

Business is not your life, but business is a vehicle that lets you fulfill your dreams.

– Malay Damania

If you are looking to grow your business, this story is for you

We have always heard stories about people choosing a unique career path from the beginning. But what’s it like to pivot your career after being in one profession for more than 30 years? Sounds risky, right? But this is not what Malay believed in. Coming from a well educated family, Malay was never forced to opt for any specific career path. Both his parents were teachers and always supported him to make his own decisions. This might seem very common now, but it’s 1989 we are talking about. 🙂


After becoming a first attempt Chartered Accountant in 1988, Malay decided to work in a CA firm. This is where he began his journey and worked there until 1992, where he finally decided to quit his job and start his own practice in Mumbai.


Little did Malay know this was going to be a challenge but he was always prepared for things that were about to come. He struggled in the initial years, made mistakes, but most importantly, learnt from them. And after a 10 year rollercoaster ride, Malay finally made his place in the market and specialized in advising foreign clients in the US, UK, Italy, and Germany.


Build Team

From starting on his own to having 80+ employees working under him, he had created a very strong and competent team. He on-boarded a lot of clients and not only helped them stabilize their business, but also upscale it. Malay is very disciplined and committed towards his work which made him stay on top of the game for 30 years.


And then, COVID hit! Not that it impacted his practice, but it made him realize he is falling out of his passion and inclining towards something much more powerful. And this is when he started talking to different people in the industry and learned from their mindsets.


Book Launch

By 2021, he had developed a keen interest in helping small-medium entrepreneurs to grow their business the right way. And this is when he came up with his own book called “Business Champ” which is a well planned roadmap to transform your business. He listed his book on Amazon so that more people could get a good use of it. This is definitely a great move to kickstart the career and also help others to grow.


The virtual book launch was a big success and it gave Malay the confidence and assurance of moving in the same direction and help more entrepreneurs learn the art of business.


By 2022, Malay took an exit from his CA firm to focus his full time and energy on Business Coaching. For some people, this might look like a big step, but Malay has always been very optimistic and grateful for what he’s doing and  offering to his clients. And this is what kept him going.


As of today, Malay has restarted his new career from scratch with freelancers backing him up. His strategy is to focus on Personal Development and create a strong presence in the market. To my surprise, Malay’s wife is also a teacher and their son a CFA. It is true that you attract what you reflect.


Despite having a jam packed schedule, Malay always takes out time for his friends and family. His friends from school (45 years old friendship) take trips to different parts of the country thrice a year. Not only this, Malay also enjoys Karaoke with his friends. Reading is also his newly found hobby that has helped him gain a lot of perspective.


Malay has now freed up his calendars to offer 1:1 consultation calls every hour a week, prepared a very strong 7 module strategy to take your business to new heights, offers free sessions online, and comes up with a weekly ‘Business Veda’ podcast to educate the small medium entrepreneurs.


With all the fun and work, Malay also takes out time for the underprivileged kids and hence is a part of the NGO Suhrid Foundation. He makes sure to take time out of his schedule and help with medical camps, hygiene spots, and educate the children in any way possible.


Malay is now an eminent business coach who also likes to have fun with his friends and family, believes in helping others, and also prepares the budding youth by being a Guest Speaker to various colleges in Mumbai.


From a CA to a business coach with a podcast channel and speaking in front of the camera, Malay has been a great example not just to the youth, but to all business professionals.


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