Preety Auluck: A mompreneur’s resilience to build Strikethrough DMS

Preety Auluck, now the founder of her successful venture, Strikethrough Digital Marketing, had her fair share of struggles all through her early years in the small town of Panipat, Haryana.


Born in a middle-class family, she had quite a few privileges from her father, but her childhood was far from easy. Her mother, who was not kind-hearted, made her early life a constant struggle. However, tragedy struck when Preety was just 14 years old, as her mother passed away, leaving her feeling lost and emotionally vulnerable.


As if life hadn’t dealt her enough hardship, her relatives made her life even more challenging after her mother’s demise. They offered no solace or support, leaving her to face her demons alone. In the midst of this turmoil, her father remained her unwavering source of strength, always by her side, providing the love and encouragement she desperately needed.


To escape the toxic environment at home because of her step mother, she was forced to leave in pursuit of higher education and a career. It was during this time that she discovered a sense of peace and independence. The circumstances had made her resilient, shaping her into a strong individual who could withstand any adversity that came her way.


Challenges of the corporate world for a strong woman

 Preety’s journey took her into the corporate world, where she faced a new set of challenges. In the male-dominated Indian corporate culture, strong and ambitious women often struggle to find promotions and career satisfaction. Undeterred by these obstacles, she remained determined to earn a respectable income and establish her own stature.


However, fate had other plans in store for her. During the second wave of Covid, Preety, a new mother by that time, found herself laid off, feeling betrayed and uncertain about her future. Instead of succumbing to despair, she chose to embrace this unexpected turn of events as a blessing in disguise. For the next three years, she poured her heart and soul into raising her newborn baby, cherishing the time she could spend with her little one.


Preety Auluck

One thing leads to another- impact of the Japanese

Prior to her marriage, she had embarked on a journey to learn the Japanese language. She had even taken the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Exam) on the day she gave birth to her child. Unfortunately, after being laid off, she had to put her language studies on hold due to her hyperactive toddler, who demanded her constant attention. Frustration crept in, but she found solace in reading books and focusing on the groundwork for her new venture.


It was right after her son’s third birthday that she shed her victim mindset anddecided to take matters into her own hands. With unyielding determination, she worked for her already-founded venture Strikethrough Digital Marketing Services, and for an entire year, she single-handedly built the company from the ground up. July 2023 marked a significant milestone in her journey, as she successfully established a reputable brand name for her company, and her personal brand on LinkedIn spoke volumes about her achievements. From facing distrust from her closed ones, she has gained their praises after being pushed to the wall for a long time!


Founder, CEO at Strikethrough Digital Marketing Services

From zero to one!

Now leading a team of more than ten talented individuals, Preety worked tirelessly, loving the feeling of commanding the stage and envisioning a bright future for her venture. Her story became an inspiration for all those who had experienced layoffs and felt lost in their careers. Preety encouraged them to find their own path and never lose hope.


Additionally, she became a beacon of hope for new mothers who had left their jobs to dedicate themselves to raising their precious babies. Her words and actions resonated deeply with her friends and colleagues, serving as a reminder that success could be achieved with determination and perseverance.


Her ambitions arefuelled by her desire to make her father proud. Despite facing personal struggles in his failed relationships, her father had always been there for her and her younger brother. Their bond grew stronger with time, and she longs to spend more quality moments with him, making up for the lost time during her challenging childhood.


She has reached from zero to one, and owing to her power of compounding efforts, she will soon reach from one to hundred!


Preety Auluck’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. She showed the world that even in the face of adversity, one can rise above and create a path to success. Her journey inspired countless individuals to believe in themselves, embrace challenges, and carve out their own destinies. And as she continued to make strides in her professional and personal life, Preety remained steadfast in her goal to make her father proud, knowing that their bond is unbreakable and their future is bright.


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