Maria Dolores | The Human Contract Foundation | Human freedom movement The Human Contract

Maria Dolores was keynote speaker at the World Peace conference Stockholm in August. The day after she received the AMBASSADOR for World Peace Award 2023.


Maria story starts in a middle class family where she grew up on the countryside in Sweden. Walking by herself in the birch forest, she was the odd one, with the head in the clouds. A curios creative, kind to animals and a “people pleaser” she found many paths that was not right for her, such as in politics and debate.


In the end of the 90s Maria studied psychology and sociology at the Swedish MidUniversity in Östersund, Central of Sweden. For over 20 years she had a career in human resources and leadership, in the Swedish steel industry, forest industry and at the Swedish prosecution authorities. During this time, Maria also had a deep interested in personal development, Yoga and Ayurveda.


Two of Maria’s deepest learning times in her life, periods she calls ISTIMA, which means “life-learnings”, came with the experience of her mothers death, and a very destructive, turbulent and difficult divorce, where her ex-husband developed a brain tumor, of which he later died.


Facing and going through deep fear, isolation, and grief Maria is not a people pleaser anymore. In 2015, she wrote the book “A State of Grace, Human Rights and Human Obligations”. This is the sprout of the Human Freedom Movement – The Human Contract.


Maria Dolores

“My life-purpose is to inspire to freedom and to create platforms, so that people all over the world can live their life purpose” she says. “True freedom and peace starts from within. We need to understand our birth-rights, and live our human responsibilities. Beyond all labels we have the right to our humanity. We have both rights and responsibilities individually, in our relationship, as well as a specie. We, the humanity, need to unite.”


Maria is now working with her friend and cofounder Stefan Heintz, at The Human Contract foundation. She is an engaging speaker, talking both about peace within and peace in the world, as well as development and freedom on different levels.


Last month Maria was at a tour in United States, and in Poland at a conference regarding Ucrania.
Contact her agent at Swedish Speakers for requests


Linkdin: Maria Dolores


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