Better Late then Never – Shankar Bharadwaj

Self made man comes with hard work and passion. Hard work is outer strength however, passion is inner strength.


Entering into hospitality was by chance late 70’s post graduation. But the hotel bug caught me and the seed to passion was sowed in me. Taj Mahal hotel Colaba Mumbai a temple of work and glitter had the foundation to look big in every aspect of life. Basics laid strong and was a completely different family oriented finishing school. TATA is just not another business house but a brand and natural aspiration for many young mind to be associated with.


Being an extrovert and natural flair in personality, opportunities came my way and took every plunge not thinking much. Desire to learn and leadership qualities born with, recognition came my way. Socially well blend took up positions in the Indian Club committee reaching heights in various activities. Membership in Toastmasters , SCKAL , BNi pegged my networking and soon invited to head western region for Association of hospitality professionals welfare India Regional head.


Year 2007 after 28 years of Work in various hotels took the challenge of getting into hotel projects post which there has been no looking back. Presently have accomplished pre opening of 9 hotels and doing 4. Having the opportunity to develop brand Parkside UK representing them given me the status of independent consultant and am heading now as Techinical head planning hotels.


My advice to all hotelier is let there be the passion in you to excel and let hospitality flow naturally.


Now @64 life seems young again energized to keep going. God willing wish to give back to hospitality what ever it has given me in the span of 45years.


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