Arthur Elias have established themselves as one of the great proposals that guarantee more efficient and effective equity and social support

Arthur working since he was young without having a single weight, has built a mentality where you can talk about entrepreneurship, technology and marketing from experience, from the beginning of his projects to the consolidation of successful businesses; As a result, Forbes 30 Under 30 Nominations 2024 North America nominates him in the Social Impact area as the rising star in a global community of bold and innovative young leaders who are changing the course and face of business and society.


Counting from Australia with the Outstanding Leadership Awards® in the Entrepreneur/Start Up Leader category for being innovative, resilient and committed to development, actively managing change for society defending inclusion and making it part of their daily culture.


He is currently named a Latino Leader in 101 Most Influential which includes politicians, businessmen and women, scientists and artists, and those whose works help promote the economic, scientific and cultural development of society, recognizing his trajectory internationally, as the influence it maintains within the various cultural and business branches; These virtues have made him a human being worth knowing, giving a positive impact to change.


You talk about helping people act with greater responsibility, integrity, and courage. What does this triad mean to you? It is the era of responsibility. We must all assume the consequences of our decisions and actions. We have looked the other way too much thinking that someone would come to fix it. In turn, mental health and the dissonances between beliefs, values and actions are a true pandemic within organizations. For this reason, it is essential that we align our purpose and sense of legacy with the function we carry out in each company. Only from integrity can we feel fully.


Finally, we are in the age of bravery. We need the courage to face outdated ideas, limiting thoughts and fears. We need to reach new goals, dare to promote ideas, promote actions for change and build new realities.


What have you learned both personally and professionally after so many experiences? My greatest learning is that success does not depend on anything physical, or numbers, or how much you have sold. Success comes from the satisfaction that gives others the possibility to grow, shine and be happy.


Arturo Elias

We currently live in a time of progress and evolution. Do artificial intelligence or the metaverse have a place in Grupo Elias or CP Magazine & Business Woman? I think that I have already answered the first one, yes, of course, for now we are doing what we can, micro-segmentations with adapted messages, consumer analysis that allows us to predict behaviors, we must be very attentive, being very respectful of course, putting the people’s interests.


The metaverse is something else, at the moment it seems to me only a concept, the metaverses that we have available right now are still videogames and private platforms with many limitations, for the moment it is not something within this vision, but we have not left it aside yet .


Arthur recommends that, if you are starting a project from scratch, “Consider that the entrepreneur must always remain humble. We believe that we can do everything and obviously it is not true. We can save ourselves time, money, and a lot of frustration by asking for help and feedback. My first recommendation is to seek support in weaknesses. For example, if you don’t know numbers, seek help from a financier. On the other hand, it is important to take action and constantly measure our actions. Until the customer buys from you, you will not be clear about what you have done right or wrong. That is why launch your brand on the market as soon as possible and work on your resilience capacity because you will surely have to use it.”


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